It’s been a very inspiring past couple of months working with brilliant young composers from New York Philharmonic’s Very Young Composers Program as well as Little Orchestra Society’s Musical Connections amazing students at Astoria’s PS 122. Things are finally winding own after a busy semester which means I have more time to write music (yay!).
It seems that most of my new songs (which will end up in various different projects) often start as solo songs in which I secretly suffer through the desolation of missing my amazing musicians (Matt, Shayna, Jonny, Evelyn, Insia, Andie, Phyllis, & José!) . This now seems to be a rite of passage for every new song. I write it, play it by myself and then my reward is arranging it for my favorite people to play along with me. You can hear some of these new songs being born this Saturday May 25th at 92YTribeca. I’m honored to share the program with three other sensational solo composers/performers Jennifer Stock, Florent Ghys & Lesley Flanigan.
The day after, my friends from TRANSIT will perform my piece “What I’m Trying To Say Is…” as part of their DoubleBill Festival at DiMenna Center. This piece holds a special place in my heart as it was the very first piece I wrote for a new music ensemble. Plus the musicians get to literally play with toy megaphones and a Speak & Spell!
Summer seems very promising so far: recording a Balún album, an Acopladitos album for the little cuties, putting together Peptalk’s live show, a collaboration with the amazing So Percussion, a performance of my music at the Bang on a Can Marathon and an unexpected trip to Caracas to work with students from El Sistema. More images, words and sounds coming soon!